Click and Takes
The Rules
Now don't be afraid, there aren't too many and they're not hard to follow.
- Do not take these graphics and put them in a gallery. Do not adopt them out yourself. Do not claim that you drew them.
- Do not alter them in any way without asking me first.
- Do not link directly to the graphics. Place your mouse over the image and right click and choose Save As. (Mac users press and hold the mouse button). Then upload to your own web server. Unfortunately I have to pay for my bandwidth now and if you link directly to them, it will cost me more and I will be forced to remove them.
- Link back to Realm of Myth and Fantasy Adoptions on the *same* page that has the critter so that others can adopt them too
Suggestions? Questions? Email me
See, that wasn't so hard. So on to the critters!
First there's a cute little gryphon all dressed up for Halloween. I think she liked the Harry Potter books!
Next comes her friend, the angelic one all ready for Christmas. I don't know about you but I don't think she's as innocent as she pretends to be.
Still in a Christmas mood, a cute, plump, little reindeer.
An Earth Dragon who strongly believes that we *can* save the world. If you take this one, I ask you of you to do one environmentally friendly thing you normally wouldn't do. And then keep on doing it ^.^
Two Christmas S'raar beanies. They aren't alive but are little stuffed animals that can be given to other pets to play with. The first represents an earth element, the second air. [Dec 2002]

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Dragon icons and background by Dee Dreslough
Click-and-take creatures by SunBlind