The Caves
You enter the room only to step into a deep pool of water. Hah, hah. Very funny trick indeed. At least you were already wet. As you paddled about, trying to find something solid, something slippery slithered past your legs. Ugh!
When if finally surfaced, you saw it was another dragon whorling, a blue male. He grinned at you with malicious eyes. "Did Sleetra send you?" Figures, they knew each other. You don't bother to reply, and finally finding the edge of the pool, drag yourself out.
~Immel,~ the eerie telepathic voice said. ~Leave the human alone.~
The aquatic whorling snorted and dove under the water. You turn to the newcomer. He was dainty and fragile looking, and very beautiful. The spikes, fins or whaterver they were glittered like opals.
He seemed to be able to read your mind, ~Thank you traveller, you are very kind with your thoughts. My name is Xaadrenn. Come, I believe you should meet Phar.~
Without a word, you follow Xaadreen though the tunnels and passageways of the mountain. He leads to a room where there was a green, flickering glow. He pauses outside and indicates that you should enter.
The dragon, if indeed it was a dragon, appeared to consist entirely of green flame. You stare at it as it looks at you. Then, without warning, it flew up toward the top of the cavern. High above you, you notice a small glimmer of light. As the flaming dragon passed through it, you realized it was an opening to the outside.
You step back out into the passageway to ask why it was so important to see Phar, but Xaadrenn too had vanished.
Name: Immel
Gender: Male
Mate: None
March 2005
Name: Xaadrenn
Gender: Male
Mate: None
June 2005
Name: Phar
Gender: Unknown, probably male
Mate: None
June 2005
Buttons and background from Kat's Meow