Website: apex-magazine.com
"Pimp My Airship"
Author: Maurice Broaddus
Main Characters: Sleepy, Knowledge Allah
Main Elements: Science Fiction - Steampunk
"Kenny 149"
Author: Brad Becraft
Main Characters: Kenny
Main Elements: Science Fiction - Military
"Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast"
Author: Eugie Foster
Main Characters: Pena
Main Elements: Science Fiction - Mind Control
- Game Fiction: Why It Works (And Why It Doesn’t) - Monica Valentinelli
- Interview with Gene O’Neill - Maggie Slater

"Pimp My Airship" - An alternate steampunk world where racism is still going strong and the line between rich and poor can be drawn along lines of colour, however I already struggle to remember what happened in it, though I only read it a couple weeks ago. I know there was some kind of airship that blows up and a hover car, and a radio broadcast, but overall it didn't stick with me.
"Kenny 149" - A disturbing tale of a man fighting in a war against aliens who just keeps coming back. Sometimes they need to replace a limb, sometimes an organ, and yet he keeps fighting, doing his duty, year after year after decade after...well, no one is quite sure, until it seems he is literally the only one left. I found this one disturbingly fascinating, especially as it unrolls through a series of flashbacks.
"Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast" - I really enjoyed this one, imagine a world where every morning you picked a mask, in fact you were forced to pick a mask, and then that day you had to live whatever life that mask represents. You could be male or female, old or young. You wouldn't have a name, since you were not, well, you. And every day you were someone else, so was everyone else. One day someone might be your lover, the next, the person that murders you. But somehow (I'm not sure how) you will live to take on another persona, only the mask is destroyed by the death. But what happens when you take off the mask, who do you become? The only failure in the story is that I still don't quite understand how this whole thing worked, nor did I quite get the ending unless it was an intentionally depressing message about human nature.