The Hidden Mountain Pass
You clamber over some fallen rocks, squeezing yourself through a particuarly narrow passage. Nearby there was the sound of running water. Slipping around a ledge you find a stream trickling down over the rocks and collecting into a large pool. It was surrounded by trees and soft grass, a very peaceful place. Until you hear the sound of a splash. Looking at the pool you see nothing but ripples until a small, blue colours otter-like creaturs slips onto the shore. It makes a small chirping sound and hides under a nearby bush.
You sit down on the soft ground, perhaps if you are patient it will show itself again.
Some time passes before you hear a rustling. You lean forward, expecting to see the blue female, instead it is a green male that pokes his head out and looks around. Not noticing you, he leaps up onto a log and makes a dramatic splash into the pool.
Just then a couple more appeared, one was a particularly stunning blue that seemed to sparkle in the sun when he got wet. They joined the other one in the water.

You hear some tiny squeaks and three more blue ones follow the first. They seemed younger than the other one, and they were playing and wrestling with each other. If you have to make a guess you would say they were siblings. You wondered if the shy blue you first saw might be the other parent.
Name: Dainty
ID: ML0068
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
May 2013
Name: Splash
ID: ML0066
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
May 2013
Name: Sapphire
ID: ML0075
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
May 2013
Name: Amethyst
ID: ML0076
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild 2013
Name: Surf
ID: ML0081
Gender: Male
Parentage: Wild
May 2013
Name: Slipstream
ID: ML0082
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
May 2013
Name: Orb
ID: ML0083
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
May 2013