The Hidden Mountain Pass
That Hunter Cats were pretty cute, but you decided it was time to move on. Once again you began a climb till you reached a sort of plateau. Though you were at a great elevation, it was quite warm here, as if this one place decided to defy the laws of science and actually get warmer as one got closer to the sun, as common sense would have guessed.
And you were not alone on the plateau, there were two winged felines there, both female. The darker one lay relaxed in the warm sunshine.
She purred as you approached, then she stretched and spread her claws. She then proceeded to lick her large paws. She looked up at you again when she was satisfied. Very much the cat. "I am Night Silver." She stopped when the second one trotted over.
"And my name is Silver Cloud." This one seemed more outgoing, perhaps a bit of a tomboy, or is that tomcat. Whatever.
"Yes. We're from the Tigon Plateau. That's what were are by the way, Tigon's. A mix between winged lions and dragontigers. Night Silver was born in the Forever Night Pride, while I my parents were from a wild pride." Silver Cloud smiled.
Night Silver rolled onto her other side to take advantage of the sunshine. But this also effectively put her back to you. Silver Cloud glared at her rudeness, the looked at you and shrugged. "What can I say. She was so different when she was a cub." Night Silver turned her head and stuck out her tongue, proving she was still a kitten inside.
Just then, a shriek could be heard. You look up at a silvery-white blur coming right at you. You couldn't do anything, there wasn't time. The female tigon pounces on you and licks your face. The other two laugh.
"Hi, I'm Heaven's Surprise! Guess it's not too hard to figure out how I got my name," she giggles. "Pleased to meet you human. Oh sorry, guess you'd like to breath a bit." With that she steps off you and you gasp for air as you struggle to sit up.
Silver Cloud comes up behind you and helps you stand. "She's still a kitten, an overgrown one, but still a kitten and she likes to play. But she forgets how much bigger and heavier she is than the people who come to visit us."
In the background Night Silver and Heaven's Surprise were mock fighting. "I hope you don't mind if I join them?" Shaking your head no, you watch them for a bit until you realize that you are being watched yourself. You turn to face a young male.
"They can be quite a lot of fun to watch, aren't they?" he grins at you. "Always keeps things interesting. I'm called Lightning Flare, the only male Tigon around these parts." He seemed to take great pride in that, though the female tigons weren't paying him much attention, he was still too young to impress them much.
Though the females certainly put on a good show of wrestling with each other, you eventually felt the need to see something new. Leaving Flare to enjoy the scene, you continue along the mountain pass.
A short way along you find a fork in the path. The first went upwards
Name: Night Silver
Gender: Female
Parents: Hraman Zhanatralu x Luna Auroras
Colouring: Midnight
Pride: Cloudstreaked Skies
July 2000
Name: Lightning Flare
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Colouring: Twilight
Pride: Cloudstreaked Skies
November 2003
Name: Silver Cloud
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Colouring: Midnight
Pride: Cloudstreaked Skies
November 2004
Name: Heaven's Suprise
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Colouring: Moonlight
Pride: Cloudstreaked Skies
November 2004
Pride Offspring:
- Lightning Flare x Night Silver - Sun Spot
The EverRealm