The Hidden Mountain Pass
You actually meet up with a pair next. The male was black, the female white.

They both crouched uncertainly as you approach. Obviously nervous about your present, you sit down on a rock to rest and give them a chance to get used to you. They make soft chirrups to each other and finally the male slinked closer.
"You are human?" he asks. You reply in the affirmative.
The female shakes her head, obviously wanting nothing to do with you. The male continues, "I am Hissor and this is my mate Yamira. Do you have a name?" You introduce yourself.
Yamira couldn't stand the strain anymore and dashed off. Hissor looked back over his shoulder and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, we've never met any of your kind before. We don't know what to make of you. Perhaps another time?" And he too spread his wings to join his mate.
"They're pretty good at flying, aren't they?" a tan carhawox male said. "I'm not nearly so good."
You look at the cheerful little guy and said that you were certain that he was equally good.
"Nope," he replied. "But thanks anyway. My name is Venn. I already overheard yours when you were telling Yamira and Hissor."
"And I am Torran!" another brown male added. His and Venn's head tilted back up to the sky as the other pair passed by again, making wonderful swoops and swirls in the air
Name: Yamira
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: Hissor
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Hissor
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: Yamira
Offspring: None
June 2005
Name: Venn
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2006
Name: Torran
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
April 2007
The EverRealm