The Hidden Mountain Pass
Different it was, but not in the way you'd hoped. It was the same valley, just instead of blue, it was now in green. It was as if you were walking down a crack in a giant emerald. Would the valley continue like this, constantly changing colours, but never actually ending. Perhaps it went on forever, or maybe it came to an end when the colours ran out. Not surprisingly, the first two hunter cats you meet were both green.

They gave you pause, aside from the female being much smaller than the male, they had the exact same pose to watch your arrival. It was a little disconcerting, the way they watched, as if they were reflections of each other. Just as the light reflecting off everything else in this valley.
You neared them, and as one, they spread their wings and flew up and over the edge of the valley. You wondered if you got enough cats together, and somehow convinced them of what you wanted them to do for you, that they could fly you over the top. But they were probably too small to do carry you, besides, you had no way of communicating your desires to them. Perhaps they could be trained, but that would take time.

You were so busy looking up, you nearly stumbled across the two cats still on the ground. Again, they were perfect reflections of each other, both looking at you in the same way, both with one paw raised, ready to flee if you seemed dangerous, but too curious about you to flee without cause.
You close your eyes and rub them hard. Perhaps it was all the walking, or all the glittering, but you were beginning to suspect that this place didn't even exist. It couldn't. Right?
When you opened your eyes again, the pair had been replaced by another pair...or they just looked different because you'd rubbed your imaginary eyes.

At least they were sitting in the same pose, it was some kind of improvement. The female on the left took only passing interest in you, but the male on the right seemed to want you to follow him. Remembering how things had changed the last time you'd followed a two-colored hunter, you decide that a change in scenery wouldn't hurt. You'd had enough green to last a lifetime.
Name: Laumontite
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
Name: Malachite
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
Name: Calcite
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
Name: Morganite
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
Name: Titanite
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
Name: Torbenite
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
May 2005
The EverRealm