The Hidden Mountain Pass
Vous sentez come vous été tourné en toute directions.
What was that? You shake your head, that didn't make any sense. That will teach you to follow random hunter cats. You look around and he was gone. But there was another nearby lying in a patch of grass.
He fluttered his shimmering dragonfly wings. But it wasn't because of you, he was more interested in another cat looking back at him from another patch of grass. Obviously this was a territorial dispute and you walk around the pair, making sure not to get between them.
You weren't sure what the smaller male could do against the bigger female, but then he was the one with horns. Talking about horns, the pair had an observer. This one had a fascinating coat that looked like melting snow, but without the water of course. And underneath his wings was the most beautiful red you'd ever seen. Like fire and ice.
You leave him to the show, you weren't interested in watching any fur fly today. Instead you head into a small treed region, hoping to find out what's on the other side. Apparently, right in the middle, there was a pair of hunter cat females. They both looked up at you sweetly, with those kitty eyes that are obviously asking for food.

You check you pockets and actually find an apple. You offer it to them anyway, and with great interest they sniff at it. Then, as one, they both turn their back on you, flick their tail in the air to let you know what they think of your gift, and stalk off into the bushes.
You turn to find a male watching the little scene. He seemed to find it all very amusing. For whatever absurd reason, you got extremely offended, after all, you were only trying to be nice. You throw the apple in the direction of the cat and missed him by a mile. However, he still dashed off with a growl.
You stood there a while feeling terrible. You hadn't meant to do that, it just kind of happened. You wished you could apologize and get forgiveness, but you weren't even sure they would understand an apology, nor knew how to forgive. When it was obvious he wasn't coming back, you leave the apple where it had landed and push your way back out of the trees.
Name: Or [Gold]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Ciel [Sky]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Fonder [Melt]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Bise [Kiss]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Jardin [Garden]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
Name: Roi [King]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005
The EverRealm