The Hidden Mountain Pass


You find yourself being watched by a pair of hunter cats. These two were obviously close friends and would never be found far apart from each other. They watched you from a distance, unsure of whether or not they should flee. Suddenly, something convinces them that to run off would be the best idea, and so they were gone. Looking to your left, you find a second pair.

These two were braver than the first pair, and were not so cautious. However, they too did not approach. The male had a blue coat that rippled like water, the female's red fur sparkled in the sunlight. Slowly you move towards them, wanting to touch the female, wondering whether she would actually be furry, or would her coat feel harder, like metal. But they too also disappear. Perhaps you'd gotten too close for comfort, or you'd moved too fast.

You stand a moment, wondering if you should follow the four cats when you feel something butt against your leg.

You look down to see a female cat rubbing her head against your pants. You reach down and scratch behind her ear. This she likes and she starts to purr. Suddenly, she flops to the ground on her back and demands a tummy rub. She begins to purr even louder.

You look up at the sound of a sharp meow and see a male just waking up from his nap. He saw the attention the female was getting and wanted some for himself.

You reach out one arm, fortunately it was long enough to allow you to rub both their tummies at the same time. After a little while of rubbing the squirming, wriggling bodies you had to laugh at the funny sight the three of you must have been.


Name: Vert [Green]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

Name: Jaune [Yellow]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

Name: Eau [Water]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

Name: Xérès [Sherry]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

Name: Pierre [Stone]
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

Name: Meule [Haystack]
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Mate: None
Offspring: None
February 2005

The EverRealm