The Hidden Mountain Pass


"Hello." The young male tigon said.

"Hey! Itsa human!" That came from a silvery female.

"Really? Where?" a blue female looked around having just woken. Then she saw you. "Oh, there."

And finally, a second blue female with a glorious silvery mane appeared.

The last to arrive decided to take control of the situation. "Greetings traveller. I am Thunder Head. This is Tornado Winds," she said indicating the other blue female. "Winter Blizzard is the other female and the male of our pride is Solar Flare." The red male nodded and grinned. "Our pride is called Celestial Disturbances. We welcome you to our part of the mountain."

Unlike the previous tigon pride, these tigons were friendly and amiable. They chatted with you for quite some time. Though they were all named for ferocious forces of nature, their nature was very gentle, and they told you many tales of their adventures here. Most were just silly side stories, but occassionaly something truly exciting would happen to this group...unfortunately, they all wanted to tell those tales, so it was hard to make out exactly what happened where to whom with all four of them talking at once!


Name: Solar Flare
Gender: Male
Parents: Wild
Colouring: ???
Pride: Celestial Disturbances
March 2005

Name: Thunder Head
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Colouring: ???
Pride: Celestial Disturbances
March 2005

Name: Winter Blizzard
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Colouring: ???
Pride: Celestial Disturbances
March 2005

Name: Tornado Winds
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Colouring: ???
Pride: Celestial Disturbances
March 2005

The EverRealm