The Magical Herd

The Rainforest


You were beginning to get used to the wild changes of temperature in the Rainforest, this wasn't the first time you'd seen the place covered in snow. On the contrary this was the fourth.

You were equally unsurprised to meet a white leagus mare with a pattern of holly down her hind legs.

"Hello, I am Naladi," she looked at you and Orma, "I don't believe I've ever met either of you before."

Orma describes the events that bring the pair of you here, and then asks if the two of you could remain here in safety. Naladi seems unsure.

"Not that we don't want you here, but we've found that most of the Rainforest dwellers find it too cold in our little nook."


"Yes, myself and Kavari." As the white mare said those words, a brightly coloured mare appared out of the snow covered landscape.

You are surprised to see she has cloven reindeer hooves, and even more fascinating were her reindeer antlers. Something twitched in the back of you mind, like this wasn't the first time you'd seen a leagus like this.

"Ah!" she exclaimed. "My parents spoke of a human traveller last I visited them. This must be the one. I am Kavari, I don't suppose you remember meeting Letek, Yareena and my little brother Spock? It would have been a few days ago."

Yes, you remembered now, it was the first snowy region you'd wandered into. She smiles broadly, "They'll be so glad to hear that you've come this far."

After some catching up, you found that Naladi was correct. You could not stay here too long, for you were beginning to freeze in this icy place. Orma was able to manage a bit better, but soon even her teeth began to chatter. You say good-bye to the wintry leagi and continue on.


Name: Naladi
Gender: Female
Parents: Wild
Species: Leagus
Pri~erd: None
February 2006

Name: Kavari
Gender: Female
Parents: Letek x Yareena
Species: Leagus
Pri~erd: None
February 2006

Pragosi Rainforest