Unicorn Fiction
Many stories have been written about unicorns of all shapes and personalities. Maybe one
of these pieces will have you realize that unicorns might be found in your backyard or that
travelling to another world might really be possible if only one believes. You will find poems, stories and movies here.[10 links]
Cave of the Red Unicorn
Dance of the Unicorn
The Enchanted Unicorn
Fantasy Realm
Gloriana's Court - When the unicorn
Holy Dragon, Holy Unicorn
Kelly's Story
KidPub Children's Publishing
Land of Unicorns
The Mystical Unicorn
A Mystical Nature Trail
The Official Bruce Coville Homepage
The Elven Forest
Little Sister #89 - Karen's Unicorn
Maria's Mystical Page
Nico the Unicorn (1998)
Nico the Unicorn - Moviefone
Nico the Unicorn - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
Nico the Unicorn (1998) - Overview - MSN Movies
Nico the Unicorn/ Owd Bob (1998)
Nigel Suckling Home Page
Nikki's Castle
Pat's Night Gallery
The Princess and the Unicorn
Salem's Mystical Woods
Scholastic Canada - Unicorn Wishes
Scholastic Canada - Vicky Blum's Unicorns
A tale of two unicorns
Unico - Wikipedia
The Unicorn
Unicorn Book
The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville
The Unicorn and the Girl Story
Unicorn Poem by LacyBell
Unicorn Poetry by Sindor Aloyarc
Unicorns United
The Mystical Realm of the Unilion
